MonsterInsights – eCommerce Addon

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Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking for WordPress

MonsterInsights Ecommerce addon helps thou add Google Analytics Ecommerce tracking in imitation of you WordPress WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads store.

Truly understanding thine target audience is essential because the success concerning you Ecommerce store.

MonsterInsights Ecommerce Tracking gives thou all the facts you need regarding you WooCommerce then Easy Digital Downloads store.

With just a not much clicks, you be able integrate Google Analytics Ecommerce tracking including thine WordPress stores.

MonsterInsights Ecommerce Screenshot

In the modern eCommerce file appropriate between thy WordPress Admin you’ll see whole the imperative eCommerce data ye want at a glance: you transformation rate, transactions, revenue, or average system value, or more.eCommerce reporting in WordPress

You may scroll down after understand just the place thine site visitors is advent from, including you pinnacle referral sources and the actual conversions and revenue they’re sending you way. Now you’ll comprehend who referral sources to maximize, or which just aren’t work out.

Shopper conduct in WordPress

Not only that, but you eCommerce facts is presented of a course that’s explicit and convenient in accordance with understand. This choice assist you apprehend thine customers yet optimize thy store for extra sales.

Even extra manifest reviews are on hand at Google Analytics.

Product Performance because Google Analytics

Ecommerce Tracking consists of all types concerning purchase endeavor including:

  • Ecommerce conversion rate
  • Popular product
  • Average system value

MonsterInsights offers ye the records ye need to fulfill you Ecommerce commercial enterprise a success.

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