MonsterInsights – Ads Addon

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An Toàn & Uy Tín

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Hỗ trợ hơn 28 ngân hàng

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Google Analytics Ads Tracking

MonsterInsights shows thou which ensign ads on thine web site are the close effective, consequently thou execute optimize because of maximum advert revenue.

Do thou necessity after perform greater cash beside your Adsense banner ads?

With MonsterInsights Ad Tracking, ye be able confer exactly or dense clicks every ideogram ad is getting. Identifying the close tremendous ad placements is easy.

You may also find out which ads you target market is ignoring completely. Removing ineffective and annoying ads perform enhance your audience’s assignment or limit your jump rate, then additionally uninterrupted upon space for greater superb content.

MonsterInsights gives ye a clear grasp of you AdSense facts at a glance, then you may quickly optimize thine commercials because of maximum revenue. All you hold in conformity with slave is test some box, then that’s it.

MonsterInsights Ads Setting

Ads Tracking is handy in the addition package or higher.

In the close to future, we format after assemble greater advertising platforms to the list of integrations.

Without Ads Tracking, you’re leaving cash concerning the table.

Truy cập hơn 3000 sản phẩm

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