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Backfill your employment board beside Indeed then export jobs after Indeed via XML. Query or display backed results alongside your very own jobs, and listing Indeed jobs through shortcodes.
If thou have a recent labor wood that may additionally look enormously exhaust in conformity with start – remedy this by backfilling employment listings using the Indeed Integration plugin. All ye necessity in imitation of find began is a Publisher ID from Indeed.
Important: Please edit secure to accumulate the Publisher ID forward before buying our Indeed Integration add-on.
Indeed jobs are listed in a similar distribute to your native jobs along the exception over linking via in imitation of Indeed (with your affiliate link) rather regarding operable in imitation of a singular action account concerning you site. Indeed jobs be able also keep shown with the ‘jobs by way of indeed’ text (a requirement among theirs terms of service).
Jobs execute stand drawn in using default enquire parameters ye outline in the settings. Once a user does an true search, for a area example, the Indeed queries will replicate it displaying relevant consequences in imitation of your users.
This extension also provides an [indeed_jobs] shortcode because of checklist totally Indeed consequences postulate ye necessity according to show to them somewhere of you site. This just lists indeed jobs because the parameters you define over the shortcode (there is no searching then filtering like with the major [jobs] shortcode).
On top concerning the backfilling, it extension additionally lets you Export thine jobs in accordance with Indeed using an XML Feed. Simply enable the characteristic then post you feed in accordance with Indeed in imitation of keep protected of theirs listings.