Cookie Info WP

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Tiết kiệm 10 lần

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An Toàn & Uy Tín

Hơn 3.000 khách hàng

Thanh Toán Bảo Mật

Hỗ trợ hơn 28 ngân hàng

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Cookie Info WP

Cookie Compliance is an EU law. Inform you site visitors into an stylish manner.

Awesome Features

  • Responsive Design: Works flawlessly regarding smaller screens. The understanding layout measure below in accordance with suit the screen. Try resizing thy browser!
  • Easy according to Customise: Dark yet light theme, pinnacle and bottom, colours, text, buttons then deep more easily configurable options.
  • Lightweight: Only runs the place necessary. Otherwise, simply sits close-fitting among the background. Weighs only 3kb yet usage the latest technology and methods for efficiency.
  • Easy Install: Simply activate the plugin or you’re done!
Truy cập hơn 3000 sản phẩm

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