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Hơn 3.000 khách hàng
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WooCommerce 360 uptake provides you along an easy path in conformity with add a dynamic, controllable 360º photograph circling in conformity with you WooCommerce site. By simply including a group regarding pix in conformity with a product’s gallery, you’ll bear a beautiful photo revolution replace the product’s featured image.
It’s responsive, touch-enabled and extraordinarily handy to use. It’s truly a depend about adding some photographs in accordance with a product’s gallery.
The 360º Rotation abject replaced a singular manufacture image.
Key Features
A ordinary photo just doesn’t reduce that anymore of the e-commerce world, mainly then you’re trying to promote an item including detail, character and value. A 360º rotation is the easiest course according to make the product experience extra actual in imitation of your customers, grant them the gamble in accordance with ‘explore’ the production between finer detail, also beside the relief about their cellular phone.