DP Article Social Share

Phiên Bản Mới Nhất

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Mức Giá Phù Hợp

Tiết kiệm 10 lần

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Tải Xuống Trực Tiếp

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An Toàn & Uy Tín

Hơn 3.000 khách hàng

Thanh Toán Bảo Mật

Hỗ trợ hơn 28 ngân hàng

Hỗ Trợ Kỹ Thuật

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DP Article Social Share

The Article Social Share plugin provides a glossy convivial durbar within you articles or pages, in imitation of raise thy page views.


  • Elegant & Sleek CSS3 Design
  • Ultra quickly portion buttons loading
  • See Share board out of the posts/pages listing within the wp-admin side
  • Light then Dark predefined styles
  • Posts, pages yet custom post sorts supported
  • Display the conventional portion icons about index pages including the domestic page
  • Responsive Layout
  • Change Icons order
  • Facebook, G+, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Tumblr, Digg, Reddit, Delicious, Stumbleupon, Buffer, Vkontakte, Print, Comments.
  • Different dozen positions
  • Disable the social part dozen into particular posts/pages
  • Cross Browser Support
Truy cập hơn 3000 sản phẩm

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