DZS Scroller Gallery

SKU: GPL-28135 Danh mục: Tags: , ,

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An Toàn & Uy Tín

Hơn 3.000 khách hàng

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Hỗ trợ hơn 28 ngân hàng

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DZS Scroller Gallery

DZS Scroller Gallery is the last media margin that you do usage because of showcasing you portfolio, photographs or also video shots. The margin consists about thumbs layed abroad in a grid format so much execute have a announcement then link embark over them. The link execute also remain a lightbox hyperlink so such may pop on a lightbox like prettybos in accordance with open images, movies or text.


  • supports any image size
  • compatible along someone lightbox script, prettyphotto example included
  • fully skinable by using CSS
  • inline content material support – ye do have videos yet anybody ignoble html content material
  • concerning the thumb and the description
  • compatible along iPhone / iPad
Truy cập hơn 3000 sản phẩm

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