MainWP URL Extractor

SKU: GPL-40159 Danh mục: Tags: ,

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MainWP URL Extractor

Use that Herculean plugin according to remove URLs by using custom tokens like (Title, Status, Author, Website URL yet Website Name) beside some submit then web page of your toddler web sites yet export to them so CSV and TXT file. This is hourly helpful because of both customer reports then indexing software.

Provided inquire picks desire enable ye in conformity with refine thy search by:

  • Post Status
  • Post Type
  • Page Type
  • Page Status
  • Keywords
  • Data Range
  • Child Site

You do without difficulty customize thy output. Combining the provided tokens yet custom characters, originate anybody outturn structure thou need.

Customize Output

Customize the yield in conformity with you needs. Available tokens, separators and custom characters gives thou whole extent concerning formats, because customer reports and lousy indexing tools.

Quickly Gather every Your Posts or Pages URLs

In just a temperate seconds, you execute have every link beside you child put up yet child pages listed among some file.

Easy To Use

The MainWP URL Extractor is each robust yet easy in accordance with use. With just a bit clicks, you can rapidly export hundreds then too hundreds of links.

Truy cập hơn 3000 sản phẩm

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