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Tiết kiệm 10 lần
Không chứa mã độc
Không phải chờ đợi
Hơn 3.000 khách hàng
Hỗ trợ hơn 28 ngân hàng
Khi tải và cài đặt sản phẩm
The volume inventory administration expansion offers ye a instant interface (found within Products > Stock management) as lists thy merchandise and editions along together with theirs stock properties.
Products do be filtered by production type, stock management status then stock status, or ordered with the aid of name, ID, SKU and inventory quantity.
Via the enter subject you do effortlessly embark the stock quantity for a couple of merchandise at once. There are bulk actions for setting the stock status too.
View or filter products, below quantity replace inventory quantities
Finally, there is a ‘View inventory report’ button as lets ye brand a report concerning all stock degrees in thy store: