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WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro turbo prices the integration in you WooCommerce save or thy fair Google Analytics account. Get detailed insightsin thy shop’s visitors or eCommerce occasions so as thou do enhance your income octroi or drive more revenue.
WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro provides superior tournament monitoring according to you WooCommerce save yet mechanically pushes this activities of Google Analytics, letting ye without difficulty come insights among essential metrics like average discipline value, conversion rate, sales by means of manufacture or category, and sordid treasured data.
Once you’ve set up WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro, ye be able choose thy match names (if ye don’t kind of the defaults), ensure that enhanced eCommerce tracking is enabled in your GA account, yet then you’re geared up to go! The plugin handles monitoring then sending every on the excellent events in accordance with Google Analytics so thou do easily get entry to you income facts and treasured keep metrics.
Plugin Settings
It only takes 3 clicks to arrive thy WooCommerce shop connected in conformity with thine Google Analytics account.
The superior match tracking of WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro gives you even more important points about you sales process, and ye do music things as “viewed account” and “coupon applied” according to find a completed discriminate over as customers slave of you site. You execute also music it events between thy buying workflow, certain as viewing billet facts for orders then conversion quotes including coupons.
Full support because generating Shopping or Checkout Behavior analyses is included! View the client lifecycle with you browsing then buying ride of the Shopping Behavior report:
Or consult you checkout among fine-grained element in conformity with obtain greater perception into where customers go away at so factor in the purchasing process:
This plugin even offers support for sending checkout options to filter you checkout classes primarily based over consumer actions and data:
All event names are customizable via the plugin settings and execute lie individually disabled. User IDs may also remain tracked for extra accurage person counts. Custom occasions can lie tracked by using including a snippet according to you theme.
Already the use of Google Analytics? Easily customize the tournament names to fit thine existing facts