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WooCommerce Notification shows current orders about thine storefront. It’s the on line equal regarding a busy store, yet shows prospective customers as lousy humans are shopping for your products.
DISPLAY RECENT ORDERS: The plugin takes facts from latest orders on WooCommerce to display.
CREATE FAKE ORDERS: you necessity in imitation of amplify the sale on some particular products? You necessity in imitation of announce half instant production according to customers? The plugin might also assist thou together with the pretend orders feature.
MULTI MESSAGES: you may conjoin or configure as deep messages so thou want. Each advice wish keep displayed of a one-of-a-kind alone fall up.
Example: Someone in Chicago, Illinois, USA just bought a Woo Notification.
UNLIMITED DESIGN: WooCommer Notification plugin gives limitless selections in conformity with help ye configure the notifications namely ye want.